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OsloBiennalen: Opening of OSV - II (Jan Freuchen, Jonas Major & Sigurd Tenningen)

In May I was asked to create music for the opening of a specially curated sculpture park, consisting of art pieces from Oslo County’s collection, as part of the OsloBiennale. The piece was composed for electronics (me), and 3 trumpet players (Eivind Lønning, Torstein Lavik Larsen and Thomas Johansson)

I will continue creating opening music for this project, as the curators will add more and more into the sculpture park. Next “edition” will be on the October 19th, and have ‘infrastructure’ as guiding theme.

photo: Eivind Lønning

photo: Eivind Lønning

Skjermbilde 2019-05-27 kl. 13.34.56.png
photo: Eivind Lønning

photo: Eivind Lønning

Tidligere arrangement: 29. september
Pinquins: My Favorite Thing 1
Senere arrangement: 30. november
Ensemble Allegria: Premiere of new commission